Marine depot & Scotch Marine customer service review

Many of you see the title of this post and you are probably going- Ugh Oh, what did Marine Depot & Ecotech Marine do?

Well, to be honest this is not a negative review at all. So let me first set the tone by saying I am very satisfied with their customer service. And that if you are considering whether or not to order from Marine Depot. please let me assure you they have excellent service and that you should not hesitate to.

So the story goes like this- I had ordered a pair of Ecotech Marine Vortech MP10W (w stands for wireless) from Marine Depot alone with a reef link to help control these powerhead and the Radion. The shipment arrived and I happily opened and began to program everything. I spent about 3-4 hours trying to get the reef link to connect to the pumps. Did everything people suggested from resetting the factory function of the pumps, to trying to move it closer or further away from reef link. Well none of that worked.

So the next day I called Ecotech marine’s customer service seeking technical advice. The first question they asked was- “When you turn the power on for the Votech, do you see the “w” lit up on the corner?” I was like, ugh… what “w”? That was the moment I realized that Marine Depot had sent me the wrong model.

wireless vs. wireless capable

So to make it clear, on the Vortech box, you will see the item is either “wireless”, or “wireless capable”. The “wireless” is what I ordered and should have received as I paid more for that. But what I have received had the box “wireless capable” checked.

Working in the e-commerce industry, I totally understand how a picker in the fulfillment facility can have these two easily confused. When they see that I have ordered wireless, they grabbed the “wireless capable” because it doesn’t say that it doesn’t come with wireless. This was an honest mistake by the shipping people and I totally don’t blame them because I believe there is something Ecotech Marine could have done differently with the box label to reduce confusion. Perhaps instead of saying “wireless capable”, just say “can be upgraded to wireless”.

I had two separate peaceful and joyful phone calls with Ecotech Marine and Marine Depot to sort this matter out. Both vendors took ownership in the error and they were able to:

  1. ship me the upgradable chips to install to the pumps I had to make them wireless
  2. refund the different I paid for the wireless machines for the trouble I had to go through- research, phone calls, and installing the chips myself.

So altogether it was a very good experience for all three parties involved to work together to solve this issue. And all the phone conversations were followed with detail emails from reps of each company to document the events.

So if you ever have trouble with either Ecotech Marine, or Marine Depot, don’t worry, just take a deep breath, give them a call and explain the situation calmly, they will be more than glad to help you resolve anything that was an error originated on their ends.