Freshwater 92 Corner

I think I rarely talk about freshwater fish and the tanks I have. This 92 corner tank used to be my reef before the 180 upgrade. I have since transitioned it to be a freshwater tank to house my angels and tetras.

Freshwater 92 Corner

Two months ago I decided to take on the challenge to keep discus for the first time. I have always adored discus fish but am too afraid to not able to sustain them knowing that they can be as delicate, if not more, than many reef fish. Here you can see one of the two I have acquired in the middle (the other is hiding in the corner). So here is the amazing thing- I have only seen the larger of the pair eat blood worm occasionally. And I have NEVER witnessed the smaller of the two eating while I feed. Yet both fish have maintained their weight and health over the last two month. And…. apparently they must be eating something because while I have never see them eat, I have seen them poop!